Friday, August 7, 2009

fruit salad

Dan works at Rhode Island College, and on Wednesdays they have a farmer's market. I usually shop at the Pawtuxet Farmer's Market on Saturdays, so around Wednesday we are ready for some more fresh goodness, and because he works there, it does not involve any extra driving.

Last week Dan picked up some strawberries, blueberries and raspberries. I had some cantaloupe in the fridge from Moosup Valley that I had purchased on Saturday. Breakfast the next morning was this beautiful and tasty fruit salad:

After cutting up some of the cantaloupe and adding whole blueberries & raspberries, I cut up some strawberries, put all of it into a bowl and then drizzled it with Bernie B's honey.

Bernie is a sweet man, no pun intended, who is a beekeeper, that's his smiling face in the above picture. He lives less than 3/4 of a mile from my house and has beehives even closer to my house, so for a sweetener, I cannot get any more local than that! After drizzling with honey, I topped it with organic ground flax seed, which is an excellent source of Omega-3, fiber, and is rich in essential fatty acids.

Adding the honey (the ground flaxseed is already sprinkled on top):

There is no recipe for this salad because it will change with the availability of the season's. When strawberries or blueberries are no longer available, use watermelon. Quite soon peaches & pears will also be available. If you want to make this fruit in the wintertime, most farmer's markets have local apples all through the year, just add some organic fruit in place of berries.


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